Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Birthday Shirt

So this is really basic and anybody can do this, but I decided Aidan had to have something special to wear. I saw a hat at the party store for a whopping $9. Aidan doesn't wear hats, he pulls them off. So I decided I'd take a plain onesie we already had and use some fabric paint to decorate it for him.

I used the cricut to cut out the words "Birthday Boy" and made a stencil from the background.

The Disney font was the best choice.

I kind of stenciled in the round parts. I was going to try to pin them on somehow, but I decided that would be a little harder and I wouldn't mind having rough edges from free-handing it.

I used good ol' fabric paint to make sure it would last and not turn stiff.

Then I pulled the stencil off...

Oh, I just remembered I used cardboard in the beginning between the front and back to keep it from bleeding through.

Then I let it dry.

After it dried for 24 hours I pressed it to make it heat safe.

The paint instructions say to wait 72 hours before washing it. Aidan got it awfully dirty as I posted before:

I don't know if it was 72 hours before I washed it but it held up very well. I soaked it with some Totally Toddler stain remover, scrubbed most of it out, and then put it in the machine The paint was perfect, there are some stains left but that's ok by me.

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