Friday, April 29, 2011

Feliz Cumpleanos Card

A little girl I know is about to turn FIVE! She likes things proper and fancy, so I made her a more grown-up style card this year.

I don't know about anybody else who is into paper crafts, but I usually start my projects by going through either websites or magazines to get a layout in mind, and then go through my paper options to decide a color scheme or find some inspiration.

For this, I found these muted colors.
I cut my main card down to size to fit into the envelope I had. I find this easier than trying to make/find an envelope that fits after the fact.

To create the stripe the same width I cut it with the card along side for comparison.

I used the computer to type up Feliz Cumpleanos. I might be in trouble if I get started using the computer to make my cards. The possibilities are now endless. Man am I looking forward to summer time!!

Then I cut that down to size.

Perhaps I cut a little too small, so I found a corresponding color to shadow it with. Here they're thrown together for an idea:

I gave it some scalloped edging and used some 3-D stickers to make it stand up.

I had some pretty  white flowers and pink brads to accent the card.

These flowers are cool because you can layer as many as you like and create the look you want.

And here is the finished product:
Not the prettiest card I've ever made, but it'll do.

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