It sits. And rusts.
And sits.
The problem is electrical. Though I don't know exactly what is going on with it, I suspect there is a bad ground somewhere. (And right now, no battery...see below)
Something that is only going to be found with careful, patient searching.
The engine compartment is filthy. Mud, dirt, dust, leaking fluids, rust, etc.
So I'm thinking the best way to start this is to go through piece by piece and clean this thing up.
It's turning into restoration-level cleaning. Everything is dirty, so everything is going to be cleaned.
And it makes me happy. The potential.
There is some hope for my car.
As filthy as it may be now.
We had a warm enough day here to get some cleaning done on it. Now, it's been too cold to think about doing this...

Some steel wool was a good start on this....
It was quite filthy. Rusty. Dirty.
You couldn't even read the warnings on it! Oh no! (Don't get your brake fluid dirty, is basically what it says)
Unless you want to clog the line and no longer have breaks.
But I'd have to have a moving car to worry too much about that, wouldn't I?
You can see here (above) the corner I've started working from. The plan is to work from the front driver's side corner back and over.
The passenger side is a good example of how filthy the whole thing was to begin with.
Even the radiator needs cleaned, look at those deposits. Good sign.
I have a lot of work left to do.
But it's a start, and at this point that's all I can ask for.
And that I follow through with it.
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