Sunday, January 29, 2012

Valentine's Candy

Valentine's Day is coming!

I'm very excited.

But also distraught because of how busy I am.

I'd like to do some paper crafting/card making soon.

But I'm not sure when I'll get to it.

I indulged in some candy hearts at the grocery store yesterday.

I have a young kid.

And I'm crazy, madly, hopelessly in love.

These two factors are important in rationalizing my purchase of kiddie candy.

That and, I just like them.

I also like Ball jars.

So I got out the camera, and took some shots.

Maybe I overdid it a bit.

But that's ok. It's digital. And it makes me happy.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Slot Car Racer

It's been a long week!

Classes started again at OWU, and after a week full of classes I needed to make a trip to Target.

Needed for a few things, wanted for some retail therapy, to be completely honest.

At Target, I found something unexpected for Aidan.

A Slot-Car Race Track.

He's two.

He doesn't need a slot-car race track.

But. It was on clearance.

For $12.

Ok, $11.98.

And it's from Cars 2. My child is obsessed with "Lightin' Queen".

I couldn't pass it up.

I was going to save it, but he saw me put it in the cart, and all bets were off.

Even Arlo likes chasing the cars.

This is definitely a toy to be used on a table, under adult supervision. But, he loves it, it was cheap, so why not?

Back to homework for now, I'll try to keep posting in between memorizing chemical equations and cloud types.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Watching. Waiting.

Arlo likes to sit at the end of the back deck.



Sometimes, he lays down. Most of the time, he sits. Even in the snow.

He's so adorably regal as he watches over his yard.

Until next time!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

How to Entertain a Brittany

Arlo, the Brittany, is full of energy.And he’s smart enough that if you don’t tell him what to do with it, he’ll find a way to get your attention. So that hopefully, you’ll tell him what to do with it.

I’ve come to find out it’s best to give him something to entertain himself with.

You know, for those of us who don’t have the time to devote all hours of the day playing with/doting over/petting/roughhousing with our Brittanies.

Many of my grocery trips now include retrieving a humongous bone for Arlo’s enjoyment.

It keeps him from eating the pillows.

And the child’s toys.

He smells it in the grocery bags and roots around until he either finds it or I catch him.

Then he takes to chewing…
...for about a day or two...

…until he’s chewed all but the knots…

…and needs a new one.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Winter Fun Feeding the Birds

While making Blueberry Muffins this morning, I dropped one of the two pints of blueberries all over the floor.


But, I have been meaning to take Aidan out to feed the birds in the woods behind our house, so I saw this as an opportunity. At least the berries wouldn't go to complete waste.

And the pup got some companionship out there in the snow.

He loves playing in it. I'm not such a big fan of the cold, but he doesn't seem to mind. He likes to test the "revolving door" and come in and out as he pleases.

 Leaving a mess in his path, of course.

Watching a bird...

Can I eat this??

Now, what we came for.

What'ssat moving in the woods?! I saw something! Did you see it?! I saw it!

Our two-year-old dog has a longer attention span than the two-year-old kid.

Who also enjoys the snow:

These smiles are totally worth bundling up for.

And the adorable close-ups of this. 

The doggie loves the snow. He roots around in it, searching for the smells covered in cold.

And then Aidan begins to realize he's cold.

Quite cold. 

Time to go in! And enjoy those muffins!